Scores on your phone!
My league data
At the moment the app does not manage your league data. There may be plans to build another app to maintain league data structures including managing yearly fixtures and even club player subscriptions. But for now, league data can only be imported via JSON file. Here is a link to a sample league data file. If you're not familiar with the JSON data, here is a link from w3schools tutorial that describes the format. If this is too much for you, you can send this page to your league administrator or web page developer who maintains your league website. They should know how to define this JSON from your league data.
You can import your league data by clicking the share button then the "Open in Scorecard" or "Copy to Scorecard" button from the interacting app such as Mail or Dropbox.
The root object
The root object is an array containing one object with three properties of players, leagues and clubs. Succeeding objects will not be processed by the app. The players list contains the players regardless of club / league affiliation. See section the player object for details of each player within the players list.The clubs list contains the club information regardless of league affiliation. See section the club object for details of each club within the clubs list. The leagues list contains your league data which includes associations to players and clubs. See section the league object for details of each league within the leagues list.
"players":[ ... ],
"clubs":[ ... ],
"leagues":[ ... ]
The player object
The player object contains information about the player in the league. Mandatory fields are publicId and name. The publicId must be unique within the players list of the root object. The optional urlImage is used for display purposes on the Scorecard screens.
"name":"Edgar Tumble",
"addressLine1":"69 Privet Drive",
The club object
The club object contains information about the club in the league. Mandatory fields are publicId, name and location. The publicId must be unique within the clubs list of the root object. The optional urlImage is used for display purposes on the screens. The location property describes the geo point as to where the club normally plays. It contains the latitude and longitude informations needed to display the club venue within a map.
Strictly speaking players and teams are optional, but in the real world, there must be at least one team within a club. Players in the club object level are reserved players who can play with any other teams within the club. Note that there is a players list within the teams object level which in contrary to reserved players can only play for that specific team. Both list of players within the clubs and teams level contain a property called publicId who's value must exist in players list on the root object mentioned previously.
"name":"Feathers Club",
{ "publicId":"1" },
{ "publicId":"2" }
{ "publicId":"3" },
{ "publicId":"4" },
{ "publicId":"5" },
{ "publicId":"6" }
The league object
The league object contains information about the league. Mandatory fields are publicId, name, divisions, location and clubs. The publicId must be unique within the leagues list of the root object. The divisions must be greater than 0 and denotes division 1 being the strongest division. The location property describes the geo point as to where the collection of clubs are located. It contains the latitude and longitude informations needed to display the club venue within a map. The clubs list contains objects with publicId who's value must exist in the clubs list on the root object mentioned previously.
"name":"Badders Wonderful League",
{ "publicId":"1001" },
{ "publicId":"1002" },
{ "publicId":"1003" },
{ "publicId":"1004" },
{ "publicId":"1005"}
Table of properties
The table below shows the discussion above in tabular form. If the table below does not load please follow this link.